MA/MPhil Communication Studies


Programme:  Master of Arts /Master of Philosophy in Communication Studies


To promote communication education that leads to modern and creative communication practices guided by Christian morals and ethical values.

Objectives of the Programme

The objectives of the programme are to:
i. To prepare students for leadership, management and service in communication-related offices in churches, para-church organizations, non-governmental organization, government agencies, corporate establishment and other societal institutions.
ii. To promote students’ ability to integrate faith with various disciplines in the field of communication.
iii. To develop students’ ability to think critically about human problems and to effectively strategizes communication-related solutions.
iv. To equip students with advanced research and writing skills.
v. To train students to be critical consumers of communication research and to effectively apply research findings.
vi. To broaden the knowledge base of students in integrated communication; thus providing the MA/MPhil Communication graduate the added benefit of more course exemptions in the programmes of professional bodies.

Programme Uniqueness

An entry in the field of communication is an appropriate response to society’s rising expectations of its institutions, some of which stem from the momentous changes that have occurred in our social, technological, economic and cultural landscapes. It is indeed at such junctures that communication has a significant role to play in ethical values to influencing people’s lives, opinions and aspirations.

Entry Requirements

To be admitted to the MA in Communication programme, the candidate must hold the required certification below from a recognized University:
i. BA in Communication (at least 2nd Class Lower Division)
ii. Other undergraduate degree, at least 2nd Class Upper Division. 2nd Class Lower Division degree may be considered subject to interview performance.
The Board of Graduate Studies may conduct test or interviews to affirm the suitability of applicants for the programme.

To be admitted to the MPhil in Communication programme,a candidate
i. Must be a holder of BA in Communication Studies.
ii. MA holders in Communication Studies from other Universities will be required to take MACS 505: Christian Ethics and Communication Practice as a course.
iii. MA holders in Communication Studies from other Universities may attend an interview or have a qualifying examination for determining their suitability or otherwise.


Since the MA/MPhil in Communication programme is to be affiliated to University of Cape Coast, the latter’s progression and graduation systems will apply. It is however worth emphasizing that progression will be based on Continuous Assessment (40%) and the main examination (60%) on semester basis. Students with trailing paper(s) will re-sit in the supplementary examinations.
Students will also be required to pass examinations in all courses in addition to the following:
1. The study programme for the Master of Arts degree shall comprise course work for two semesters, as prescribed by the Department and a Long Essay of 80 pages to be presented within a period of six (6) months for a total of 18 months for a possible graduation.
2. The study programme for the Master of Philosophy shall comprise course work for two (2) semesters. This includes research proposal preparation, which will take the form of seminars and presentations. The second year will be devoted to the writing of THESIS of 150 pages

Employment prospects

Communication permeates every aspect of our lives – from churches, to families, communities and the whole nation. MA/MPhil in communication prepares and positions graduates strategically to influence decisions that affect our lives. They are taught and trained to think critically, creatively and to work in the church, in industry, in print and electronic media houses as well as in civil society. Graduates from the Department of Communication Studies, Christian Service University College are better placed to secure jobs in
1. Companies
2. Banks
3. Telecommunications
4. Insurance
5. Local government
6. Churches
7. Civil service and in education as media planners, multi-media specialists, public relations officers, broadcast journalists and producers, print journalists, copywriters and web editors among others.
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