CSUC Holds Commencement Service

A Commencement Service to usher in the Level 200/300 freshers of CSUC to the first semester of the 2011/2012 academic year has been held.

Speaking on the theme, “The Winning Attitude,” Very Rev. Kwaku Kwarteng, Superintendent Minister of the Suame Circuit of the Methodist Church, Kumasi, called on the students to be innovative and visionary leaders in their chosen fields of endeavour.

Very Rev. Kwarteng also asked the students to pursue academic programmes that will bring improvement in their lives.

He stressed the need for Christians to lead worthy lives for others to emulate. He mentioned hard work, honesty and humility as some attributes of a winner.

The service was attended by Trustees, Council and Management, as well as staff, alumni, partners and friends of the University College.

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