Profile of Kofi Agyeman Quao(Alumnus)

Kofi Agyeman Quao is the Area Manager of Barclays Bank responsible for Northern, Upper East and West Regions of Ghana. He is married to Mrs. Joyce Agyeman Quao of Bank of Ghana, and is blessed with three children: Nana Serwaa, (medical student, Komfo Anokey Medical School), Eddie and Nii (students at KNUST).

Kofi attended St. Peter’s Secondary School, Nkwatia after which he proceeded to study for the Chartered Institute of Secretaries professional Exam at the Kumasi Polytechnic.

He joined the Barclays Bank after his professional exams, but Kofi did not rest on his oars. He continued studying, taking the Institute of Bankers Examination both intermediate and final parts while working. “Combining studies and work was quite a challenge. However, from the encouragement of my parents and my wife, I continued with my studies.”

During this time of his career, he was transferred to Kumasi as the Branch Manager for Prempeh II Street Branch. Later he was elevated to Area Manager of Ashanti Region. It was at this time that Kofi took up the challenge to study for his Bachelor of Business Studies (marketing option) at the Christian Service University College. He took part-time classes at night and during weekends. But he was to face even greater challenges during this period as he was entrusted with more responsibilities at work. “This was a difficult time for me as a professional, husband, and a part-time student. However, I stayed focused, and with prayers, I was able to surmount the challenges and to successfully complete the programme.”

The BBA programme equipped me with the professional skills, training, and the exposure to assume greater responsibilities in my profession as a banker. Not only was I competent for the tasks assigned me at work, but I felt more confident and self motivated. Kofi is currently pursuing Mphil programme in Marketing at the Methodist University, affiliated to the University of Ghana. He hopes to graduate at the end of the 2012 academic year.

I count myself blessed for the opportunity to study within a Christian environment at Christian Service University College – where my faith was nurtured and challenged, to serve with integrity.

“If you think you can or you think you can’t – you are right. It all depends on you.”–Kofi Quao

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