Chaplaincy Prayer Bulletin for April 2019

Dearly beloved, all too soon the Lord has sailed us through to the middle of the semester and has ushered us into the fourth month of the year. Already the first quarter of the year 2019 is gone and we are now in the second quarter. God has been faithful and is worthy to be praised. Let us join hearts and hands in praise and prayer knowing that God’s promise still stands:

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you – Matthew 7:7

In the course of this month, let us together thank God and lift requests to him as follows:

MONDAYS Thank God for a new month and for guiding us up to the middle of the semester. Pray that the Lord will guide and direct us to the end of a fruitful semester and academic year.
TUESDAYS Thank God for sustaining CSUC in the midst of financial challenges facing Private Universities nationwide. Pray that the University, staff, students and parents will experience God’s miraculous provision in times of financial challenges.
WEDNESDAYS Thank God for a successful January admissions Campaign. Pray for a successful end of semester exams. Pray that the Quality Improvement Programme shall come to pass.
THURSDAYS Thank God for the ongoing student registration and January admissions Pray that  we shall admit the desired number of students for the next academic year and that the Charter will be granted as soon as possible.
FRIDAYS Thank God for good health and a spirit of cooperation Pray for the Lord to bring healing, love and understanding among all members of CSUC community.
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