CSUC-SDF Train Over 100 Basic School Teachers in Digital and Internet Safety

Over 100 Basic School Teachers in the Ashanti Region from private and public schools benefited
from a 2-time certified Digital and Internet Safety Training organized by Christian Service
University College, Kumasi, with support from Skills Development Fund (SDF), Ghana.

The training session, christened, iLearn2Teach ‘19 brought together IT and Non-IT Experts to
equip participants to become Digital Counsellors.

img_0539According to the main Coordinator for the programme,
Mr. Emmanuel Adinkrah, who is also the Systems
Administrator, CSUC, the aim was to equip these
teachers who represented different schools with
knowledge in digital and internet safety tips and
opportunities to impact society.


By the end of August 2019, two phases of the ‘skilled training’ programme had been completed
with over 80 beneficiaries for the first phase, and 20 beneficiaries for the second, and they were
anticipated to impact over 5,000 digital counsellors from their respective communities.

WebExcerpt:  CSUC won a grant from Skills Development
Fund (SDF) in March, this year, upon submission of a
proposal to develop innovative curriculum based on e-
learning models and other innovative academic contents
for training. This has secured the University College, its
first phase of the grant to undertake the above programme, dubbed, iLearn2Teach ‘19 –
developing digital counsellors to impact societythrough certified training series.

SDF is a funding agency that supports public and private institutions based on the window of
grants accessible at certain points in time through innovative proposals development.

img_0520Various presentations from the CSUC-SDF Training
gave insight into digital citizenship, digital parenting,
impact of cartoons, social media marketing, internet
usage threats, ethics and morality at the work place and
self-branding through audio-visual presentation.

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