President’s Welcome Message for the new academic year

There is no doubt that CSUC, Ghana and the entire world is going through a unique period of change.
This change was triggered by the outbreak of the novel corona virus which started in China at the end of
2019 and spread quickly to the rest of the globe with its ravaging effects on all humanity. We thank God
its effect on Ghana has not been as disastrous we initially feared or anticipated.

The 2020/21 academic year has commenced in the midst of this global pandemic and challenge. As an
academic institution, we had to embrace the challenge, confront the unknown and to forge ahead with the
innovation and adaptation to the unfolding situation. We are happy to say that by the grace of God, we
have fairly weathered the storm and have prepared ourselves adequately to walk into the uncertain

On behalf of Management, I warmly welcome both staff and students to this new and challenging
academic environment. As you all know, our learning setting has now expanded beyond our traditional
classroom space. Through technology, our lecturers are now teaching from different locations reaching
out to their students in their homes, offices and other suitable places. There is no doubt we are in the era
of change and our ability to sustain our educational enterprise depends on how best both lecturers and
student are able to cope with managing this inevitable and unstoppable change.

Management is committed to provide the required strategic leadership that can navigate CSUC successfully
through this crucial period. We will deliver all the supporting infrastructure and capacity building
programmes for our human resources base to keep the system running effectively. We will continue to
make more new investments in our IT infrastructure and improve the administrative system to ensure
effective delivery of our services.

We charge both staff and students to be positive in their thinking and cooperate in building a world class
institution of excellence. Remember our vision is “to be a University of choice where Jesus is Lord and
people are empowered to impact the world”. Our goal is to make CSUC an academic home for the
intellectually ambitious, deeply faithful Christians who want comprehensive world-class quality in an
environment of curiosity, conviction, and community. Despite the challenges of the times, we will continue
to strive to prepare students to enter the world as effective leaders “for Christ and His Kingdom” by
cultivating their minds and fostering deep faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

One important advice to the students in this era of virtual learning is to be very careful with the use of their
time. It is likely as students you may find yourself in a situation with a lot of unused time. Make sure you put
your time to good use. Try and be a member of a virtual study group of colleagues and learn together as often as
possible. Devote more of your time to cultivate a reading culture to improve your communication skills. If possible
find some part-time work to do and where necessary volunteer to serve in a company. These will help you to acquire
experience, build your networks and enrich your curriculum vitae.

In conclusion, Wiston Churchill, the former Prime Minister of Britain once said, “the pessimist sees
difficulty in every opportunity, but the optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty”. We members of CSUC
community must choose the latter and turn our fortunes around in these uncertain and challenging times
for our benefit and to the glory of God. You are welcome!!!

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