CSUC Holds 44th Congregation Amidst COVID-19 Protocols

On Saturday, December 12 2020, the Christian Service University College held its 44th graduation ceremony for 519 undergraduate and
graduate students of the institution who had successfully completed their programmes and met requirements for graduation in the 2019/2020
academic year. The theme for the occasion was, The Christian Faith, Professionalism and the Market Place. This ceremony was the first of
its kind since it was organized under strict Covid–19 protocols, and graduating students observed it without their family and friends for
the first time.

whatsapp-image-2020-12-15-at-15-06-41-2The chairman of the CSUC Council, Mr. Seth A. Osarfo, who presided over the congregation,
welcomed all present, congratulated graduating students for their hard work and advised them to
have confidence in the Lord for his leadership and guidance and also to think outside the box as
they step out of the academic world into the real world.


whatsapp-image-2020-12-15-at-15-06-41-1During his report, the President of CSUC, Professor Sam Afrane, congratulated all graduating
students and applauded them for their hard work and sacrifices in the midst of all the challenges
they had to go through as students. To emphasise the institution’s dynamysm and ability to
operate successfully in spite of the challenges of the time, he advised them with a quote from
Winston Churchill “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, while the optimist sees
opportunity in every difficulty”. He therefore advised the graduating students to choose to be the
optimist who will recognize the opportunities in difficulties and challenges engulfing their
society and turn these around to their advantage.

The President asserted that in compliance with the President of Ghana’s directive to observe Covid-19 protocols, Management took the necessary
steps to quickly switch to virtual teaching mode to complete the remaining part of the second semester. “The switching process was not that
difficult for CSUC as an institution because of an earlier policy decision taken to introduce e-learning in our teaching programme as far back
as the 2015/16 academic year,” he posited. Prof. Afrane appealed to the government to support private universities in Ghana, since private
universities are stretching their thin resources to contribute to human resource development in the country and they cannot do this effectively
without government assistance.

img_6169Dr. Esther Oduruaa Offei-Aboagye, Chairman of Star Ghana Foundation, who was also the guest
speaker for the occasion, advised the graduating students to go and work hard with integrity and
exercise their stewardship with commitment, in the prospect of ultimately being accountable to
God, based on the tenets of their various disciplines and Christian work ethics. Drawing
inspiration from Ecclesiastes 9:10, she urged that “whatever one’s hands find to do, should be
done with all one’s might, for there is no work, device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave
where everyone is eventually heading.”

She also emphasized the inability of private institutions to compete effectively in the tertiary
education sector without government subventions. As a result, in the bid to cover their costs and offer high quality programmes, some of these
institutions are in danger of pricing themselves out of the market. In essence, if government is going to provide scholarships for senior high
school graduates for their tertiary education, it is important that private universities benefit from these facilities along with public tertiary
institutions. This, she said, would give practical implementation to the expressions of public-private partnerships in education delivery to
which this country has declared commitment.

whatsapp-image-2020-12-15-at-15-06-41A graduating student from the Faculty of Humanities, Mr. Boniface Kwaku Blewusi, delivered
the valedictory speech on behalf of his colleagues. He congratulated and appreciated his fellows
for a great work done, considering all the challenges they had to endure as students, with some
having to combine their studies with work and the management of their families as well. He also
thanked the Management and staff of the University College for providing the needed
environment for quality education to thrive, and for promoting social cohesion among students
on campus.

Mr. Blewusi further charged his colleagues to put to use all the skills they have acquired
throughout their studies at the Christian Service University College. This he said can be achieved bearing in mind CSUC’s core values;
“The Lordship of Jesus Christ, Integrity, Hard Work, Good Stewardship of Resources, Mutual Support and Care”.




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