CSUC Alumni & SRC Organise “Tomorrow’s Leaders Conference”

“It is imperative to inculcate leadership training into academic curricular to provide needed skills in tomorrow’s leaders”, Prof. Afrane.


Today’s graduate faces the challenge of transiting into job roles and work culture  due to a gap in training during their studies.

To highlight the importance of bridging this gap, a one day conference was held at CSUC on Friday May 13, 2022, through the collaborative efforts of the Africa Center for Youth Development, the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) and the Alumni Office of CSUC. It was dubbed, “Tomorrow’s Leaders’ Conference”.

The President, Prof. Sam Afrane called on educational institutions and leadership training centers to re-engineer academic curricular to include leadership training that will impart the needed skills into tomorrow’s leaders. This will engender a vibrant economy that will see the meeting of national demands such as good jobs, better healthcare and quality education.

The event which was attended by participants from universities, social entrepreneurs and members of the public was addressed by speakers on the theme, “Equipping students to leave school not as students but as future leaders.”

During his turn, Pastor Bonaventure Eshun, President, Africa Center for Youth Development reiterated that leadership required being practical on what has been studied academically to stand out first at the job market and later at the job environment.

Other speakers stressed the need to have well baked graduates that would understand the tenets of leadership and apply these in their quest to succeed.

The Regional Accountant for MASLOC, Mr. Michael Essel-Mills, called on educational institutions to train their students to be proactive in applying solutions to real life problems as opposed to being reactive.

In agreement with other speakers, the External Affairs President for the CSUC Alumni, Rabbi Jacob Humphrey, encouraged participants to combine the acquisition of needed skills with appropriate attitudes. This combination ensures that leaders become influential. He emphasized that the adherence to the values taught at CSUC have ensured that CSUC alumni are distinguished all over the globe.

Similarly, the Municipal Chief Executive for Obuasi, Hon. Elijah Adansi Bonah, charged participants to communicate their vision to others while having a strategy to achieve these visions. This is important for goal seekers to attract support from other individuals and organisations to enable them achieve such goals.




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