sam-afrane-prof-2‘Cessation of our face-to-face teaching does not mean academic work has ceased,’
Prof. Sam Afrane, President of CSUC addresses students and staff of Christian
Service University College in the wake of the global pandemic, COVID-19.

The Address:
Undoubtedly, the entire world is going through real historic moments. The common word
everywhere is the novel coronavirus also known as COVID –19. Within a short period of
four months, the outbreak of this deadly virus has affected almost all countries, big and
small, rich and poor, developed and developing, etc.

What started as an epidemic in Wuhan in China, has now graduated into a real pandemic
ravaging almost all nations on all the continents. Latest global statistics as at April 4, 2020 indicate that the disease has infected over 1.1
million people with over 60,000 reported dead. In Ghana, within the period of three weeks, the number of confirmed infections has risen
to 205 with five deaths as at April 4, 2020. The good news reported by the Minister of Health as at that date, however, is that 31 of the
infected patients have recovered.

As a response to check the spread of the infections, the government has introduced a number of measures and protocols including a ban
on large gatherings, closure of all educational institutions, maintenance of social distancing, washing of hands with soap under running
water, regular use of hand sanitizers and others. The latest of these measures is the introduction of a partial lockdown of some
municipalities in Accra, Kumasi, Kasoa and Tema effective Monday, March 30, 2020.

Dear staff and students, there is no doubt we are living in unusual times. Unfolding events indicate that the world is under a serious threat
from an invisible enemy that can wipe away a significant proportion of the entire human race if we do not find an effective antidote as quickly
as possible. What should be our individual response now that we are at home? As Christians, prayer to the Almighty God should be our major
weapon in winning this battle. The Lord urges us to call on Him in the days of trouble and He will deliver us. His words give us a lot of assurance
we can depend on during these lockdown days. Take some time to read and meditate on Psalms 91, 23 and 121. Proverbs 18:10 says: “the
name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runs into it and is safe”.
Give no room to fear but rather build up your faith through
the reading and meditation on these scripture verses.

While we pray and trust God to keep us from this deadly virus attack, we must also take personal responsibility to observe regularly
the preventive protocols made known to us. We must be conscious and serious about the observance of these measures above.
More importantly, let’s stay at home and avoid unnecessary loitering.

The Use of Technology:
Let me remind both the teaching faculty and students that cessation of our face-to-face teaching does not mean academic work
has ceased. Through the medium of technology, academic work should continue wherever you are. Lecturers are expected to continue
their interaction with their students through either the Moodle platform or Zoom. I encourage both sides to cooperate so that we can
put these days to some productive use. The non-teaching staff should also carry out any tasks required of them as specified in the
measures outlined by Management under the lockdown conditions.

While I encourage you to take advantage of technology, let me also warn you about some miscreants who will use the coronavirus
in malicious ways to dupe the public. Always verify all internet links, photos and videos before opening or distributing them. Please
note that not all the information posted on social media is valid, accurate or true. The Bible urges us to verify all things and hold on
to what is true (1 Thessalonians 5:21). In conclusion, I urge all of you to continue with your daily reading of scriptures and prayer
life while we take conscious steps to observe the recommended safety protocols.

If we do these, nothing can harm us in Jesus name.

The Lord be with you all.”


Report by: Anastasia Cudjoe Erzuah, Institutional Advancement Office, CSUC

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