Capacity Building Initiatives: CSUC Faculty Undergo 1-Day Research Seminar – Story By IAO

The Institutional Advancement Office in collaboration with the CSUC School of Graduate Studies and Research has organized a 1-day research seminar for the institutions’ faculty as part of a comprehensive programme to equip them with current and global tools and skills in research writing. The seminar was facilitated by Dr. William Kwasi Peprah, Associate Professor of Finance at Andrews University School of Business Administration, a leading US based University.

The seminar was structured in two parts. For the part one, the participants were taken through topics such as research design, conducting literature review, global trends in data analysis, addressing ethical issues in standard academic research, the importance of collaborative research and benefits of research to individual faculties and the university college as whole. The second part of the seminar focused on the training of the basics of JAMOVI SOFTWARE for quantitative data analysis.

The participants expressed appreciation to the Management for such a refreshing programme at such a time that academic institutions worldwide were pursuing the agenda of publish or perish. The faculty pledged their support to utilize the skills and knowledge acquired to improve their research publications. The Vice President of CSUC, Dr. Stephen Banahene speaking on behalf of the Management, thanked the facilitator and his team and the faculty members and expressed optimism that the instructive seminar will yield many benefits for the University College and positively impact their research publications.

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