Christian Service University College Trains Over 70 Children in Biblical Knowledge

The Theology-based Academic Institution, CSUC, organized a one (1) week Maiden Vacation
Bible School (VBS) for its neighbouring communities in an effort to instill good morals in
children during their long vacation.


The program was to equip young minds in Biblical discipline as well as the art, craft, music and
dance, and basic Information Technology (IT) skills.The maiden event which was under the theme,
I Am God’s Soldier – Ephesians 6:10-18,attracted 74 participants aged 3 to 17 years.

Explaining the need, the CSUC Chaplain, Rev. Anthony Boateng Agyenim, noted that teaching
the morals of life at a tender age helps in shaping the future habits of these children.
At the ceremony, participating youth and resource persons recommended that the community
stands to benefit from this annual event while they expressed their delight of the university
environment, especially, for using the university’s computers in the study of IT.

Certification and Thanksgiving Service was held on Sunday, 11th August, 2019, to honour these
children for their participation in the good company of their parents and guardians.
Parents present promised to support this laudable innovation to make the programme
successfully sustained.

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