CSUC @50 Launched In Grand Style – By Rev. Justice Boffah Pokumensah, Director, IAO



The Christian Service University College has launched its 50th anniversary celebrations over the weekend in a colourful ceremony attended by people from all walks of life. Established in January 1974, the university college will be 50 years in September 2024. In view of this, the Council and Management have rolled out comprehensive activities to commemorate the year-long anniversary beginning from September 2023.


In his welcome address, the President of the University College, Prof. Sam Kofi Afrane, invited the audience and the distinguished guests to join him in thanking the almighty God who has shepherded the institution throughout its 50-year journey and grounded his appreciation in 1 Samuel 7:12: “Ebenezer, thus far has the Lord brought us”. He soberly recounted the growth trajectory of the institution from 1974 and acknowledged the selfless sacrifices made by faithful Christian men and women who have paid their dues to God and country. He also paid a glowing tribute to the five courageous young men who constituted the pioneer class in January 1974. Img 1825To strongly contextualize the transformation that has happened in the institution during the period, Prof. Afrane provided insightful statistics from 1974 to 2023. He explained that CSUC from small Bible College with less than 100 students has grown into a liberal arts University College with roughly 2,000 students. Then again, from one academic programme (theology) the institution boasts of 11 Undergraduate and 7 Postgraduate programmes respectively. He also mentioned that the institution has grown infrastructure-wise with few buildings to a modern academic environment with the state-of-the-art buildings and supporting infrastructure. The equation could not have been complete without reference to requisite human resource. In this regard, he reported that with the initial number of 5 faculty members, CSUC can now count as many as 60 lecturers with diverse qualifications and expertise; not overlooking about 60 non-teaching staff.

He revealed that despite the shift from solely Theological college to Liberal Arts university college, the institution has maintained its evangelical Christian stance and values. He further argued that the CSUC brand of tertiary education is still unique in several ways; characterised by Christ-centred education, promoting industry-led academic programmes, pursuing student mentorship scheme and entrepreneurship programmes, student support services, ICT driven education underpinned by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and scholarship scheme to enhance access to tertiary education. He further stressed that even though there are surmountable challenges presently facing the university college, it was worth celebrating the 50th anniversary and pointed out the three goals of the celebration. The goals are first, to reflect on the past 50 years of success and look forward to the future with hope and confidence; second, to raise awareness of CSUC’s unique history, showcasing its growing impact and how to promote its visibility and positive reputation at home and abroad; and third, to leverage on CUSC’s achievements to mobilise support and resources to step boldly into the next 50 years.

Renewal of Christian Community Partnership

Christian Service University College is a non-denominational evangelical Christian institution hence as part of the reflections and objective thinking into the future, CSUC will critically examine its partnership with the Christian community, that is both churches and para-church organizations and even non-Christian institutions. Prof. Afrane explained that after 50 years of operating within a Christian environment characterized by strong denominationalism, the pseudo-independent philosophy and non-denominational posture of the founding fathers require a second look. He therefore proposed a broader consultation with all the relevant stakeholders as a strategy to develop supportive partnerships that are healthy for the image of the institution and also mutually beneficial to all collaborators. Prof. Afrane concluded his welcome address by urging that: “We believe with the grace of God, prayer, and the support of you all, we can strive to actualize the vision of the institution to “become a Christian university known for excellence in Teaching, Research and Training of ethical leaders for transformation of society. We are very hopeful; the future looks promising and we are determined to succeed”.

Chairperson’s Remarks

Img 1839The Chairman for the occasion, Nana Dr. Appiagyei Dankawoso I, the Senior Linguist of the Paramount Chief of Asante Juaben Traditional Area and former President of the Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Industry led the audience to sing songs of praise in appreciation for how far God has brought the Christian Service University College. He noted that 50 years in the life of any organization was significant and called on all Ghanaians to support the institution throughout the celebrations and beyond to realise the dreams and aspirations for the next 50 years. He used the occasion to welcome all dignitaries and invited guests present.


Majority Leader Lauds CSUC for Distinguished Christian Tertiary Education

The Guest Speaker, Hon, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, applauded the CSUC for its enviable laurels in championing the frontiers of private tertiary education in Ghana. He noted that, “Today, we gather to launch a year-long commemoration of a remarkable milestone in the history of this esteemed institution . . . the founders and all who have been part of this great story must be commended. This is a momentous occasion, a testament to the unwavering dedication and the extraordinary accomplishments of the Christian Service University College”. He alluded to CSUC’sImg 1909 enviable position in local and international university rankings to emphasise the institution’s commitment to excellence rooted in values of faith, scholarship and integrity; a perquisite for any forward-looking society. Hon. Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu also commended the CSUC for its commitment to diversity and inclusion. He noted that CSUC has created an environment where people from different backgrounds and beliefs come together to learn, share, and grow in spite of its Christian orientation. He eulogised that, “this dedication to diversity reflects not only the University’s Christian values but also its progressive and forward-thinking approach to education”. He made this comment within the context of Ghana being a pluralistic/secular society hence any attempt to safeguard this legacy must be commended and encouraged.  As a legal luminary, the majority leader alluded to Chapter Five of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana which sets out the fundamental human rights of the citizenry and also frowns upon discrimination against people on the basis of their religion to drum home the point that CSUC’s example is worth emulating. On the same subject, he referred to General Ignatius Kutu Acheampong, a former Head of State’s statement, “one nation, one people with a common destiny’’, to affirm that CSUC is innocuously demonstrating this reality and deserves applause.

Launch of Anniversary Logo and Song

The occasion was also used to launch the anniversary logo and the theme song for the celebrations. The Chairman of Council, Mr. Seth Osafo gave the launching statement which captured aspects of CSUC’s history and achievements and invited the special guests to join him to unveil the colourful anniversary logo amidst song ministration and pomp and pageantry. The highly elated audience could not stay glued to their seats as they gave a resounding standing ovation to welcome the anniversary logo and song. Indeed, it was a sight to behold!

Highlights of the Events for the Anniversary Celebrations

The Director for Institutional Advancement Office, Rev. Justice Boffah Pokumensah gave highlights of the year-long activities that will culminate in the grand durbar scheduled for December 2024. The key events were: two public lectures on the themes: “Sustainability of African Democracy” and “Chieftaincy in Changing Africa Society”; CSUC history month, Courtesy calls on national personalities, religious groups and Churches; Alumni lecture; Health Walk and Medical Screening; Anniversary Con Mg 1952gregation and Thanksgiving Service. All these programmes have been planned to achieve the objectives of the 50th anniversary. The public was urged to actively participate in these events at scheduled times.


The event was attended by the university community, Management, Council, staff, Alumni and students as well as other stakeholders. The occasion was graced by distinguished personalities such as Nana Dr. Appiagyei Dankawoso I, the Senior Linguist of the Paramount Chief of Asante Juaben Traditional Area and former President of the Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chairman); Her Ladyship, Justice Sophia Abena Boafoa Akuffo, Retired Chief Justice of the Republic of Ghana (Special Guest of Honour); Hon. Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, MP for Suame Constituency, and Majority Leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs (Guest Speaker) Other dignitaries in attendance were Most Rev. Professor Daniel Yinkah Sarfo (Rtd.), Metropolitan Archbishop of the Anglican Church Ghana; Rt. Rev. Prof. Osei Sarfo Kantanka, Former Council Chairman, CSUC, and Former Bishop, Kumasi Diocese of The Methodist Church Ghana; Rt. Rev. Ben Nuhr Abubaker, Former Bishop of Kumasi Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana; Hon. Maxwell Ofosu Boakye, Municipal Chief Executive, Suame; Mr. William Addo, CEO, Ultimate Group; Nana Osei Kofi, Chief of Sabin Akrofrom; Prof. Victor Kwame Agyemang, Former Director General of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and now Board Chair, Public Services Commission; Lawyer Kwame Boafo, Former Trustee Member;  Ms. Patricia Amo, CEO of Enas Hybrid School and Alumni Rep on the University Council, among many others.


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