CSUC is organising an ACCESS COURSE FOR MATURE STUDENTSwho wish to enroll in its January 2014 Weekend School.
Degree programmes for the Weekend School include:
- Business Administration
- Computer Science and
- Communication Studies (Public Relations option)
The Weekend School runs on part-time basis on Friday evenings (5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.) and Saturdays.
Date for the Access Course: 14th November – 7th December, 2013.
Teaching Sessions: Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Age Requirement:
- 27 years and above.
Course Fee: GH¢180.00.
Application forms are on sale at GH¢30.00 at CSUC campus.
Application forms obtained from the website should be accompanied by GH¢30.00 banker’s draft issued in the name of Christian Service University College, and forwarded to the Registrar, Christian Service University College, P. O. Box 3110, Kumasi.
For further inquiries, call: 03220 – 28781/ 39258.