CSUC adopts anti-plagiarism software to promote academic integrity

Christian Service University College, the institution of choice for tertiary education has introduced an anti plagiarism software.

The software, which was piloted in the 2018/19 academic year, is to promote academic integrity and excellence amongst the academic community of the university. This was made possible through the support of its mentor university, University of Ghana, Legon.

Prof Sam Afrane, President, CSUC is quoted as saying “faculty are defrauded, students are misled, and society itself is poorly served when academic dishonesty is allowed to thrive”.

“In our journey to become renowned in the area of postgraduate education, a draft plagiarism policy for the University was presented and adopted for use. I am happy to inform you that the policy is currently in its final stages of approval and adoption by the academic board for implementation in the 2019/2020 academic year”.

According to Prof Afrane, the introduction of this software is also geared towards the reduction and eventual elimination of plagiarism at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level whiles ensuring the originality of research works is attained.

He also added key stakeholders including the students will be trained in the use of the software in order to allow for the smooth adoption and implementation of the system.

source: Modern Ghana

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