CSUC Begins Excellent Health Care Home Services

CSUC has introduced Home Health Care programme to render a wide range of services to assist patients and elderly people who have stable medical conditions but require daily healthcare that would require frequent trips to hospitals for nursing care.

The facility operates from the CSUC campus, and provides services to clients in their homes, communities and workplaces where necessary.

Explaining the rationale behind the initiative, the President of CSUC, Prof. Sam Afrane said the CSUC Home Health Care was formed out of CSUC’s vision of reaching out to society practically with passion and Christ-centered love as part of its core vision of mutual support and care.

“The increase in the aged population, breakdown of the traditional extended family system, lack of home care services as well as urbanization and migration of the working class together create a high demand for the homecare services in Ghana. This necessitated the formation of the CSUC Home Health Care to complement the already existing ones”, explained Prof. Afrane.

The President said the objectives of the CSUC Home Health Care was to provide essential health and social services; provide the highest quality health care in the patient’s residence; facilitate the attainment of the patient’s optimal level of rehabilitation and allow family members to remain togeth long as feasible.

He stated that the facility was also to assist the patient and family to maintain as much as possible, a normal lifestyle and augment care and services provided by our community, hospitals, and nursing homes through provision of home health care.

Mrs. Theresa Sarpong, Head of the CSUC Home Health Care and lecturer at the Department of Nursing enumerated a wide range of services the facility provides including wound care, such as pressure sores or a surgical wounds and leg ulcers; patient and caregiver health education; intravenous or nutrition therapy; injections and long-term conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and COPD.

Other services are medication administration; catheter care; personal care for the elderly; and paediatric and end of life care among others.

She said the CSUC Home Health Care is considered to be the best, resourced in terms of personnel, equipment and other relevant logistics to deliver excellent home care services to the people of the Kumasi metropolis and beyond.

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