CSUC Holds 38th Graduation Ceremony

CSUC held its 38th Graduation Ceremony to confer degree and diploma awards on a total of 519 students from the departments of Nursing; Computer Science; Theology; and Communication Studies; as well as Accounting & Finance; Management & General Studies; and Marketing, Logistics & Corporate Strategy. Two hundred and ninety six (296) students out of the total number were males, while 223 were females.

The 38th Graduation Ceremony also officially marked the climax of CSUC’s year-long 40th Anniversary Cerebrations which was launched in February, 2014. The event was on the theme, “CSUC at 40 Years and Growing: Renewing Our Identity.”

Prof. Stephen Adei, former Rector of GIMPA in an address during the ceremony underscored the vital role private universities play in the country’s national development. He therefore, called on the state to formulate national higher education policy that is not biased against private universities in terms of the award of accreditation, charter and funding.

“Why is it that a Ghanaian going to a public university is looked after by the government to learn business and deny support to those who go to private universities to even study architecture, nursing, engineering?” Prof. Adei questioned.

Drawing lessons from the success story of Nehemiah, Prof. Adei who was also the Guest Speaker called on all and sundry to rise up and build a great godly institution in Ghana at CSUC. Prof. Adei spoke on the topic, “Let us Rise Up and Build an Authentic Top Rated Christian University in Ghana.”

He recommended that CSUC should have a core solidly Christian and liberal arts programme which every student must go through so that they are exposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ and are equipped morally and spiritually for the market place.

ProfAdei14Prof. Adei advised the graduates not to compromise on their character, but continually sharpen their capacities and competence and care for others.

The President of CSUC, Prof. (Mrs.) Frances Owusu-Daaku said the University College continued to pursue a road map towards the attainment of a Presidential Charter.  She outlined that the road map focused on areas including upholding CSUC values or identity as a Christian higher education, academic programme enhancement, extensive teaching and research, as well as staff development. Others are networking and collaborations, funding and sustainability issues, quality assurance enhancement and expansion in infrastructure and accessibility.

Touching on new programmes, the President indicated that a new Business Administration programme option in Purchasing & Supply Chain Management and a master’s degree programme in Christian Ministry with Management have been introduced by CSUC.

President3The President also explained that CSUC sought to renew its relationship with Eastern University in the United States to facilitate both staff and student exchange programmes.

Prof. (Mrs.) Owusu-Daaku explained that in order to ensure financial sustainability, CSUC would continue to explore other funding avenues to raise funds to support the growth of the University College.

To this end, the President called on friends and partners, corporate and religious bodies, alumni and all and sundry to contribute to CSUC’s fund-raising initiative to enable the institution complete its library/ICT complex, support brilliant but needy students and expand academic programmes, as well as support existing programmes.

She charged the graduates to be ambassadors of CSUC by upholding the core values of the University College in their various fields of endeavour.

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