CSUC holds 40th Congregation Ceremony

CSUC holds 40th Congregation Ceremony

Christian Service University College (CSUC) has held its 40th graduation ceremony. The theme for the ceremony was ‘the future of private tertiary education Ghana; prospects and challenges.’

The guest speaker for the occasion and renowned entrepreneur, Dr. Kofi Koduah Sarpong outlined the critical role private universities played in the development of the nation. He indicated that the activities of private universities were a prerequisite for growth.

“Government’s lack of lack of capacity at the public universities to absorb all entry level tertiary students provided a nexus for the role of private universities,” said Dr. K. K. Sarpong.

“This situation calls for the need to nurture private universities, strengthen regulatory frameworks with respect to accreditation, affiliation and quality assurance issues among others,” added Dr. Sarpong.

In his report to the Congregation, CSUC President Prof. Sam Afrane said the University College is working on putting together research articles into a book that will be launched to inform the cocoa sector and propel it on to the path of development and growth.

Prof. Afrane enumerated the research capacities of staff and linked that up to staff development. As an area the University College is developing.

Mrs. Theresa Oware Odoom, best graduating student indicated that CSUC had been a haven of security for her as she juggled her role as mother, wife, banker and student. She explained that schooling was a task she thought was insurmountable but is now realized through hardwork, determination and focus with the support of diligent administrators, faculty of the university college and her study group members.

Representatives of the Vice Chancellors from the University of Ghana and the University of Science and Technology (KNUST) awarded the certificates. Prof. Kodzo Gavua, Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ghana, representing the Vice Chancellor and Prof. Kwabena Ofori-Kwakye of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, representative of the KNUST Vice Chancellor awarded certificates to the graduands.

The ceremony which came off on 17th December at the CSUC saw over 500 students graduating with certificates, diplomas and degree as well as post graduate degrees in Business Administration, Nursing, Communication Studies and Theology with Administration.

Dr.KK Sarpong ee9a2522 ee9a2476 ee9a2376 ee9a2335 ee9a2334 ee9a2225 ee9a2529 ee9a2537 president congregation

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