CSUC Holds Commencement Service

CSUC has organised the commencement service to usher in the second semester of the 2015/2016 academic year. The service,  which was under the theme – “a closer walk with the Lord,” is geared at committing the entire semester, staff and students into God’s care.

The preacher for the service Rt Rev. Christopher Andam, Bishop of the Methodist Church Kumasi Diocese, spoke on the meaning and significance of ‘Lent’ – a forty-day period of fasting and prayers observed by the Church.

Bishop Andam explained that during this time,  Christians are encouraged to invest prayer for self, others, the Church and the State and repent of all wrongdoing. Bishop Andam, added that Lent is a perid of spiritual growth nurtured through bible studies and prayer marked by humility and sacrifice.

President of Christian Service University College, Prof. Sam Afrane welcomed all students and staff back to campus.  His welcome address, that encouraged staff and students to walk with the Lord, was inspired from Jeremiah 6:16 (New International Version):

“This is what the LORD says: “stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls”.

Esther Owusu Ansah a level 400 BBA student said, after the service that she had heard about Lent before but not into such great details and that she was blessed by the sacrifice.

Constance Morkeh a level 400 nursing student also said “ I am overwhelmed, the service was solemn.”

Commencement Service 1

Commencement Service 2

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