CSUC Makes Two New Appointments

CSUC is delighted to welcome the following CSUC faculty members who were appointed as of January , 2012. Congratulations on joining our outstanding and dedicated faculty. We look forward to your contributions as CSUC builds toward the future.

Our new faculty bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the university college. Read Below to learn more about them, including their research, clinical and educational interests.





Rev. Prof. Samuel Nyarkoh Boapeah has been appointed an Associate Professor at the Department of Business Studies. Rev. Prof. Boapeah holds MA (Development Economics) from the University of Eastanglia, Norwich, UK; BSc. (Hons) Planning and Mphil (Development Studies) from KNUST, Kumasi; Dr. Rer. Pol. (Business Development) from the University of Dortmund, Germany; and MTh (Applied Theology) from the University of Cardiff, UK. He is a Planner and Development Economist.

Prior to his appointment, Rev. Prof. Boapeah was a Senior Lecturer at KNUST and Associate Professor at Ghana Baptist University College, Kumasi. He has a long-standing academic career in the training of professionals in the field of Development Planning and Management.

He has worked as a researcher and consultant on several development policy issues and poverty reduction programmes and projects, involving the conduct of baseline, monitoring, evaluation and needs assessment studies, as well as the design and delivery of capacity building training programmes. His clients include UNDP, CIDA, IDA, EU and Ghana Government Agencies.

Rev. Prof. Boapeah is the author of four books related to Management, Development and Small-Scale Industries. He also has to his credit several other publications arising out of his research works. Rev. Prof. Boapeah has held positions with excellent performance in the following capacities:

  • Vice Rector, University College of Management (UCOMS)
  • First President, Ghana Baptist University College, Kumasi.
  • Senior Lecturer/Programme Director, Head of Department, Dept. of Planning, KNUST

In a short interview, Rev. Prof. Boapeah said, “I am very much impressed with the infrastructural and academic development at CSUC. The Management and the entire CSUC family have given me a warm reception since I got here. I am desirous of ensuring that I contribute my quota in getting a university charter for the University College.

“I am very passionate about my vision in helping to transform the Department of Business Studies into a full-fledged school, which is only possible with strong collaboration and partnership among all colleagues/stakeholders. We will spearhead the introduction of new academic programmes such as the BA Community Development, among others, to further enhance the academic offerings of CSUC. I sincerely pray to God for strength for all of us to make these visions a reality”





 Rev. Dr. Emmanuel K. Frimpong has also been appointed as a Lecturer at the Department of Theology. Rev. Dr. Frimpong holds a Diploma in Theology from the Trinity College, now Trinity Theological Seminary; BA (Hons), Religions with Sociology and MPhil (Religions) from the University of Ghana, Legon; and PhD (New Testament) from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

 Rev. Dr. Frimpong has lectured at the Trinity Theological Seminary, Central University College and Wisdom Christian College, London. Rev. Dr. Frimpong is a former District Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Kibi, and an ordained Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana.
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