CSUC meets Wheaton College delegation on Exchange Programme

In July this year, a 3-member delegation from Wheaton College (WC), Chicago-USA met with
the management board of the Christian Service University College, Kumasi for joint discussions
that sought to promote Christian Higher Education in Ghana.

The engagement mainly sought to enhance academic growth of the staff and students of the two
institutions. According to Prof. Afrane, President of CSUC, the collaboration was in the right
direction, following their common Christian focus.

He noted that the major collaboration was geared towards yearly-based students and staff
exchange programmes in both institutions.
He added that the integration would foster expansion in quality higher education through the
exhibition  of varied structural and cultural orientations from both Colleges.

The week-long meeting also touched on integration of faith and learning, academic research
issues and inter-departmental interactions for faculty development.
Side attraction included a tour of CSUC campus, church visit, site-seeing to Lake Bosomtwe and
other cultural centres in the Kumasi Municipality.



Wheaton College Campus                        CSUC Campus

CSUC-Wheaton College relations date back to 2007 under the leadership of the Late President,
Prof. Emmanuel Frimpong. Upon CSUC’s visit to Wheaton College in 2007, a delegate, in the
person of Prof. Laura M. Montgomery, Dean, Global Programs and studies paid a week’s
courtesy visit to CSUC and has since nurtured the relationship to this level. The two Institutions
are now hopeful to formally exchange bilateral partnership to advance Christian Higher
Education in Ghana and beyond.

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