Department Of Information Technology


Name of Programme: BSc Information Technology

Objectives of the Programme

This degree is specifically designed for those students who wish to specialise in the design and implementation of modern computer-based applications in a business context. The course fosters skill development across a range of tools and development platforms, and encourages students to critically evaluate the role of computer-based systems in business. Emphasis throughout is on what the student learns and can do as a result of the learning. It also enables the demonstration of the graduate attributes of self-awareness, performance in a variety of idioms and contexts and ethical and creative considerations.

The objective of the Information Technology (IT) degree is to provide students with:

  • Fundamental knowledge regarding concepts, tools and methods of implementing Information Technology for personal and business use.
  • Knowledge and skills for the design and implementation of modern computer-based applications in a business context
  • A broad background across fundamental areas of IT
  • An in-depth understanding in a particular area of interest.
  • Working knowledge of leading-edge technologies
  • An industry-validated standards in accordance with current business needs
  • An appreciation for the global impact of IT use on society
  • Understanding of professional, legal, social and ethical issues with systems development.
  • Encourage students to evaluate critically the role of computer-based systems in business.
  • Industry, commerce and the public sector with effective and adaptive professionally-minded IT practitioners that the responsibilities and challenges of the IT industry demand.


Admission is open to all who have any of the following qualifications:


  • Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE)

Aggregate scoreof24 orbetter.Creditpasses(A-D)in6subjectsincludingMathematicsandEnglish.


  • West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE)

Aggregate score of 36 or better. Credit passes (A1-C6) in 6 subjects including Mathematics and English


  • Diploma Holders

Diploma holders with FGPA of 3.0 or better from an institution whose diploma programme has been accredited by the NAB or from a foreign institution that is recognized by the NAB may be admitted to Level 100. In addition, applicant should have five (5) passes in GCE/WASSCE/SSSCE including, Core Mathematics, Core English, and Core Integrated Science/Agric Science/Social Studies.



Applicant must present passes from the General Business Certificate Examination (GBCE) and the Advanced Business Certificate Examination (ABCE).

Applicant should have 5 Credit passes in the GBCE including English, Mathematics and Integrated Science/Agric Science/Social Studies, plus 3 passes in the ABCE; one of the passes should be Grade D or better.


  • HND Holders

HND holders must have a minimum of second class (Lower division) in an IT-related field from NAB accredited or recognized institution. Applicants will may be admitted to Level 200.


  • General Certificate of Education (GCE) Holders – Foreign Applicants Only

Applicants must have five credits in GCE “O” Level including English Language and Mathematics.

Three passes in GCE “A” Level and a pass in General Paper


  • Mature Applicants

Applicant must be at least 25 years at the time of applying with or without SSSCE / WASSCE / GCE “O” Level Certificates.

Applicant must also pass a mature applicant entrance examinations.

In relation to this the College shall in all instances be guided by the University of Ghana Mature Entrance examination and admission requirements.


  • Applicants On Transfer From Another University

An applicant who has been enrolled as a regular student in a Bachelor’s Degree course in a recognized university and has made satisfactory progress for at least one year may be considered for admission, on presentation of authenticated academic records and the names of two references.


Requirements for Graduation

A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements for graduation if:

  1. He/she has fulfilled all General Colleges’ and Faculty/Departments’ requirements
  2. He/she has accumulated the minimum number of credits required by the Faculty/Department including core and prescribed electives as follows:
  3. A student may take a maximum of 120 credits and must pass at least 108 credits
  4. He/she must not have failed more than 16 credits of core and prescribed electives provided the fail grades are not below Grade D


The B.Sc. Information Technology programme is a four-year degree programme. All academic work, including university required courses, from Level 100 counts towards the award of the degree. The university required courses count towards degree classification and it must be taken and passed with a grade ‘D’ or better. Degree completion requires passing all University Required Courses and Faculty/department courses.


Degree Classification

First Class                                           –           3.60 – 4.00

Second Class (Upper Division)          –           3.00 – 3.59

Second Class (Lower Division)         –           2.00 – 2.99

Third Class                                         –               1.50 – 1.99

Pass                                                     –                 1.00 – 1.49

Fail                                                      –                 0.00 – 0.99



There is no doubt about the huge demand for high and middle level information and communication technology personnel and technicians in various organizations in Ghana as a result of the new knowledge-based global economy. This would enable graduates with BSc Information Technology degree of the Ghanaian workforce of the future to be actively involved in the new paradigm of ICT as a contributory factor to socio-economic development.


The content and structure of the program will prepare students to readily find jobs in the market, start their own businesses, or pursue further academic and professional courses. The requirements of many professional certifications like Oracle, Microsoft, etc are embedded in the curriculum of this program at the Department of Computer Science.


In view of this, the graduates of this programme will gain employment in corporate institutions and organisations as Business Systems Analyst, Developers/Programmers, Analyst, IT Project Manager, Application Architect, IT Auditor, Database Developer, Systems Security Administrator, etc.

Graduates are also equipped with entrepreneurial skills to enable them build IT businesses and provide IT consultancy services.

Master’s Degree Prospects

It is expected that some graduates from this programme will be well-prepared to pursue Master’s degrees in Information Communication Technology and related fields.


The programme has been designed in consultation with the academic board of the University College, Department of Computer Science, University of Ghana Legon the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) 2008 publication on Information Technology Curriculum Design Guidelines and Industry partners including MTN, Vodafone Ghana, and Tigo.

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