Department Of Nursing & Midwifery

Department Of Midwifery

Congratulations for choosing Midwifery as your career!

The Midwifery program at Christian Service University College (CSUC) will provide you with the academic knowledge
and clinical skills you need to pass licensure examination to obtain your license and begin to work as a
registered Midwife.

You will be required over the next four years to work diligently and conscientiously in order to meet the program
objectives and achieve your goal. As you make your way through the midwifery education, striving and sacrificing,
please take time to remind yourself often that you have been selected for one of the finest academic programmes
and that you can and will meet each challenge successfully, and be rewarded beyond measures for your efforts.

The CSUC Midwifery Programme is under the mentorship of University of Ghana, and has collaboration with some
accredited and established District Hospitals, particularly in the Ashanti Region.

Programme Aims
The Midwifery Programme aims at affecting the individual personality positively, preparing him/her adequately to
qualify for certification and registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana empowering the student
to function within ethical and legal framework and contribute to the body of knowledge of midwifery through life-
long learning for professional excellence and research. It enables the midwife to assume the responsibilities and
accountability that midwifery registrations impose.

It is expected that the special training to be provided by the Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Christian Service
University College, would enable the graduate midwife function as a care giver a teacher, counsellor, a manager,
a leader, a research person at all levels in the health delivery system, i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary.

It is also expected that the graduate midwife would be able to perform her functions independently, work in
co-operation with her colleagues in the health team and enhance the midwifery profession.

Programme Objectives
a. Apply the National Health Policies to the practice of midwifery.
b. Apply knowledge of principles of homeostasis to meet clients/patients need for maintenance of health.
c. Demonstrate ability to function professionally as an effective member of the health team.
d. Exhibit cultural sensitivity in using concepts and approaches in effective communication that relates to all manner of people.
e. Use the knowledge in midwifery to give total and quality reproductive health care to individuals, families and the community at large.
f. Plan and carry out health education in relation to identified health needs of the people.
g. Promote primary health care services in the community
h. Manage and administer health care units within the confines of the National Health policies.
i. Exhibit responsibility and accountability for professional actions.
j. Contribute to building midwifery knowledge through research and use research findings in providing health care.
k. Identify complications and refer clients/patients where necessary
l. Analyse and apply evidence based practices in midwifery practice
m. Exhibit ability and skills in teaching and educating individuals, families, groups as well as communities on issues of health.
n. Demonstrate ability to adapt to new trends in the society through lifelong learning.

Career Prospects
Areas of employment for registered graduate midwives include:

  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Nursing homes /private maternity homes and hospitals
  • Community/public health care
  • Family health units
  • School health care
  • Nursing and midwives’ educational institutions
  • Research
  • Planned Parenthood Centres/Units

The programme provides a good foundation for continuing education for the graduate midwives to Master of Science or
Philosophy and doctorate levels to make them qualify to:
Teach in degree / diploma awarding nursing and midwifery institutions
Teach in nursing and midwifery schools in various universities

Entry Requirements
SSSCE Holders
Applicants should have passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising THREE core Subjects (Mathematics, Integrated Science
and English Language), plus credits in THREE (3) electives. The electives should be any of the under listed subjects:

  • Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics
  • General Arts
  • General Agriculture with Chemistry
  • Home Economics with Food and Nutrition
  • The overall aggregate must be 24 or better

WASSCE Holders
Applicants should have credit passes (A1- C6) in six (6) subjects comprising THREE core Subjects (Mathematics, Integrated
Science and English Language), plus credits in THREE (3) electives. The electives should be any of the under listed subjects:

  • Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics
  • General Arts
  • General Agriculture with Chemistry
  • Home Economics with Food and Nutrition

The overall aggregate must not exceed 36 for level 100 placement.
Five (5) credits at GCE O’ Level subjects including Mathematics, English and a Science subject (General Science, Biology,
Physics, Chemistry, Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences) and three (3) GCE A’ Level passes (to be open to both Science
and Arts students).

Diploma Applicants
Holders of the Registered Midwifery Diploma who have at least 2 years’ working experience and a good pass at Diploma level
may be admitted to Second Year of the degree programme after a successful interview. The interview panel will comprise
representatives from College of Health Sciences (University of Ghana), Ministry of Health, and the Nursing and Midwifery
Council of Ghana.

Mature Applicants
Mature student applicants aged 25 years and above who satisfy the University of Ghana requirements for admission may be
admitted to the programme and after a successful examination and interview. The panel will comprise representatives from
College of Health Sciences (University of Ghana), Ministry of Health, and the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana.

In addition to the proposed entry requirements, it is recommended that the following categories of candidates should be
considered under the mature applicants’ scheme:

  • Staff Nurses with SRN with minimum of five (5) years working experience may be admitted after a successful examination
    and interview. The interview panel will include a representative from College of the School of Nursing (University of Ghana).
  • The SRN holders will take the programme in six (6) semesters, i.e. in three (3) years.
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