Devotion: Our Hope In God is Like An Anchor

We live in challenging times. COVID-19 has brought challenges. What we did as normal has all changed.
For an academic institution like us the usual practice of face to face lectures and other physical
interaction has changed to virtual learning etc with its accompanying ramifications such as cost of data,
interference in transmission and pressure to adjust to new forms and skills of teaching and learning.

Despite the changes, we serve an unchanging God whose promises are ever faithful, ever sure. It is in
this light that our theme for this semester is very relevant and reassuring: “ANCHORED TO THE ROCK,

An Anchor is the heavy metal object that is tied to a ship that keeps it secure to the bottom of the sea. It
provides a firm foundation and security. In Scripture, the term anchor is used metaphorically to
represent God and faith – that which keeps us steadfast and gives us hope during the trials and storms of
life. Hebrews 6:19 tells us that it is our hope in God that is the “anchor for our soul.”

The Unchanging God is our hope and anchor in these changing and uncertain times. Our hope in God is
our refuge, it is our assurance, we take hold of God’s promises. We hold fast to God because He is
holding us fast in His everlasting arms. God continues to promise “Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you;
he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Because of this sure hope, we shall thrive in this time of adversity. We will seek and maximize
opportunities that COVID-19 has brought to us in our quest to make Christian Service University College,
the University of choice. We can d this through Christ who strengthens us. Amen.

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