Ghana Police Personnel Undergo Cyber security Training Programme

Thirty Police (30) officers from the Ashanti regional Police command have graduated from a (3) – day intensive Cyber security Training programme dubbed ePolice Academy 2015. The Programme was organised by the Ghana Internet Safety Foundation in partnership with the Christian Service University College (CSUC) and Ghana Police Administration.

With the current increasing rate of cyber crime, the aim of the training programme was to equip police personnel with skills for cyberfraud detection, cybersecurity and cyberforensics. Participants also acquired knowledge and skills in Internet Search and Analysis, Ethics, Financial Management, Self Organisation Skills as well as office administration.

Some of the courses the personnel were taken through were Microsoft Office Specialization, Mobile Phone Forensics, Deepweb analysis and Ethical Hacking.

In his speech, the Co-Founder/CEO of Ghana Internet Safety Foundation, Mr. Emmanuel Adinkrah underscored the relevance of using modern technologies that will contribute massively to Ghana’s socio-economic development. He was hopeful that the skills acquired during the training would be put to good use.

“It is our hope that the knowledge acquired by these thirty policemen and women will enable the police Administration deal with the increasing rate of cyber crime,” Mr.Adinkrah noted.

During the graduation ceremony, the Deputy Regional Police Commander, ACP Ampofo Duku of the Ghana Police Service noted that the training programme had come at a most critical time and had lived to the expectations. He also hoped that the experiences gained by the participants would further enhance the capacity of the Police in preventing and combating crime in this digital age. He expressed profound appreciation to the organisers, Ghana Internet Safety Foundation (GISF) and the facilitators from (CSUC), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KNUST and HiPAG Academy.

“I am positive the cordial relationship which has evolved between us over these past years will grow to ensure the enhanced provision of law enforcement and create a safer and peaceful society”, he said.

Dr. S.B Adubofour, Dean, Faculty of Humanities, CSUC who was also present at the graduation ceremony also expressed concern about the increasing rate of cyber crime in the Ghanaian Society especially among the youth and encouraged the law enforcement agencies to continue educating themselves in the area of information technology to be able to effectively combat crime.

He also thanked the Ghana Internet Safety Foundation, GISF and the Ghana Police Administration for supporting the initiative. “We are always available to provide and/or support initiatives that will help our society.

We believe this initiative has established a relationship between the University College and the Police Administration, “Dr. Adubofour said.

Present at the ceremony were other dignitaries such as the Vice President of CSUC, Prof. S.E Owusu, Mr. Gabriel Ofori Appiah, COO, GISF, Nana Ninsin Imbeah II, Board Member, GISF and the Head of Computer Science Department, Dr. Thomas Yeboah.




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