Librarian’s Biography

libaryMs. Vivian Amponsah is a Librarian at the Bill Chapman Library, Christian Service University College. She holds MPhil in Information Studies from the University of Ghana, 2017. She read Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences) where she combined Economics and Geography during her undergraduate studies at the University of Cape Coast in 2009. She is a chartered member of the Ghana Library Association, with many years of professional experiences.

Her research interests in the field of library and information sciences include;

  • The use of electronic resources in teaching, learning and research
  • Information literacy skills and reference service provision to users
  • Organizational culture in academic libraries
  • Public libraries and digital preservation of cultural heritage
  • Open access resources in libraries

Currently, she has two research publications in good academic journals and hope to engage in more research papers in the years ahead. She is assertive, a goal getter and ready to go the extra mile to achieve excellence in her profession.

Vivian believes that libraries are gateways of information and culture, where hospitable environment is offered to encourage exploration, creation and collaboration among users, and the development of societies.


  • MPhil  Information Studies
  • BA Social Science
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