
On behalf of the Student Representative Council (SRC) Executives, I, President of the SRC welcomes all students back to campus as we begin the first semester of 2020/2021 academic year

I believe this academic year be very fruitful and amazing. This year students will experience nothing but the best of academic life

As I remain the pilot of the plane, students will have frequent access to information pertinent to their reason for being here. With the new teaching and learning modalities, myself and my executives will make sure all necessary preparation will be done to ensure the effectiveness of the academic activities in the semester. All protocols will be put in place to also make sure the safety of students and staff are not in jeopardy as we pass through the semester successfully.


My able team of leaders and myself therefore ask for the maximum support, prayers and cooperation of all students and stakeholders. The novel COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed most of our traditional ways of carrying out our academic activities. There is a new normal and I would encourage all students to adapt to these new changes. The responsibilities ahead need the never-ending contributions from all members of the student community. It is important to make it clear that leaders of the SRC will be available to assist students in addressing challenges that may come.

Lastly, I admonish all students to strengthen their relationship with God, have more time for prayers and the word of God. Students should also have a proper plan for your semester, work hard and maintain a habit of proper time management. More so, students are encouraged to ensure all COVID-19 safety protocols are observed.

The SRC wishes you the best of luck and a smooth sailing this semester. Take responsibility of your life on  campus and stay safe.



Ebenezer Oppong

President -SRC, 2020/21

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