Message from the SRC President


Warm greetings from all Students’ Representative Council (SRC) Executives to each and every CSUC student and potential students of our University College.

As the SRC President, I wish to thank the general student populace, Management, administrative staff, Lecturers, and all workers of our noble University College for playing diverse roles in the sustenance of this institution. In deed, as stakeholders, we owe it a great deal of duty to play our part for the betterment of Christian Service University College which is known to be a University of Choice where Jesus Christ is Lord.

I wish to remind my colleague students that our choice to pursue tertiary education in CSUC amidst the multitude of tertiary institutions in Ghana is purposeful and should not be seen as an accidental decision. This University College has trained and continues to train men and women from all horizons who are actively serving mother Ghana in many sectors of society and we should feel proud to be lifetime members of it.

As students, difficult challenges may arise in our lives, but we must not forget the ultimate goal that motivated us to persue tertiary education. Challenges are part of human life and we must always endeavor to surmount them as and when they arise.

I would like to reiterate the SRC’s readiness to play its role in facilitating students’ life on campus. I would equally like to exhort you all to take advantage of every opportunity the SRC presents to the general students populace.

It is my fervent prayer that we all achieve our purpose in life using CSUC as the point of contact whilst making new friends building and nurturing lasting relationships.

Thank you for making time to read this message.


H.E. Emmanuel Yao Amegavi SOSU – SRC President

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