Our History

A Brief History

The College began as a merger of two visions in January 1974, a group of ghanaian christians had a vision of an interdenominational, evangelical institution of  high academic standard, which would train men and women for all types of Christian Ministry.

The second group comprised expatriate missionaries who had a vision of an institution to train workers from the well-established churches in southern Ghana for a thrust into northern Ghana and neighboring countries where the church was relatively very small. Evangelical Christianity in Ghana in the late 1960’s and 1970’s was characterized, among other things, by intimate interaction and collaboration and blurring of denominational, mission and group distinctions.

The Worldwide Evangelization for Christ (WEC), which was one of the missionary groups in the second group of missionaries, had acquired property in Kumasi on which they had built four houses and a radio studio with plans to construct a large building to serve as the beginning of a training college. Soon the two visions merged.

In October 1974, the first residential classes started with four students and the College grew from strength to strength and has now become an Evangelical Christian University College.


The First Trustees

The College was initially incorporated under the Trustees Act and therefore the property and effects of the College were vested in the Trustees. The first four registered Trustees of the College were Dr. Nathaniel Sodzi, Dr. D.O. Gyane, Mr. Isaac Ababio and Dr. Sam Adjei. The Trusteeship is no more.

The First Council

The first committee meeting was convened by Mr. Chapman on 4th December, 1973. The members were Dr. Nathaniel Sodzi, Dr. D.O. Gyane, Dr. Sam Adjei, Mr Joseph Okyere, Rev. Felix Maafo, Mr. Ross Harbinson (WEC Mission), Rev. Virgil Kleinsasser (Sudan Interior Mission- SIM) and Mr. Ross Campbell (WEC Mission).

The first ad hoc committee was constituted into the first Council on 6th November 1976 when the Constitution of the College was accepted at its first Annual General Meeting, with Dr. Nathaniel Sodzi as its first Chairman. From the very beginning, the College has been governed by evangelical men and women who have been appointed in their own right as people committed to the Lord and the objectives of the College as well as having the needed expertise and not as representatives of any Church, mission group or organisation.


The Early Faculty Members

Mr. And Mrs. W.H. Chapman were seconded to the College by WEC Mission. Mr Chapman became the first Principal of the College (1973-1993) and was joined by Mr Isaac Ababio (1974-1976).
Mr Ababio interviewed and accepted the four pioneer residential students because Mr Chapman had to travel to Britain for an emergency eye surgery in August, 1974. The two of them shared the teaching in the early years.

Later others were brought in by the Lord: Brian and Miriam Woodford (1975-1979, 1982-1983); Rev. Dr. Kwame and Dr. (Mrs) Gillian Bediako (1976-1978); John Kojo Ntsiful joined the staff after graduating from the College in 1977 (to date); Ransford Senavoe (1979-1990) and Juliana Senavoe (1979-2004); Rev.(Dr) Eric Anum (1981-1988); John and Roselein Priddle (1981-1982, 1986-1988); Dr. S.B Adubofuor (part-time, 1982, full-time, 1983- date); Mrs. Abena Fosuah Yeboah (1983-1999); and others.

Several brethren were also brought in by the Lord as part-time lecturers; among them were: Rt. Rev. Bishop Willie Blankson (Methodist Church), Rev. Dr. Philip Laryea (Presbyterian Church), Rev. Cyril Ben-Smith (Anglican Church), Rev. Dr. Nii Amoo-Darku (Baptist Church), Miss Grace Adjekum (former Director GILLBT and an alumnus of CSC), and a host of others.


The First Students

The first ad hoc committee that was formed in December 1973 also drew the first syllabus for the College and so an evening class was started in January, 1974 in St. George’s Church with four people on that evening.

In October of the same year, residential classes started with the four students. These were Daniel Buer (now with Evangelising the Rural Child Fellowship), John Kojo Ntsiful (Now Senior Lecturer, CSUC), Justin Frimpong (Former Director of GILLBT) and Seth Nana Mintah (now Rev Minister, Presbyterian Church of Ghana). They were later joined by Emmanuel Asante (now Rev. Professor and Former President, Trinity Theological Seminary and former Chairman, CSUC Council).

The residential programme began on WEC Mission property on which four dwelling houses and a radio studio had been built. Later Evangelical Christians in Kumasi and students of the College were mobilised to provide labour to erect additional buildings and in 1977, WEC deeded the whole property to CSC but retained the use of three of the buildings. These three were even to be given to the College when the mission no longer used them.


Early Administration

The early teaching staff shouldered much administrative responsibilities whilst Mrs. Chapman provided much of the secretarial services and also did the book-keeping.
Mr A.B Amaning was appointed in 1986 to 2001) as the College Administrator and also exercised financial oversight.

Mr Joe Kontor-Manu joined the administrative staff in 1987 to date; Mr. Stephen Oti-Appiah (as Poultry Manager and now Assistant Librarian) from 1985 to date. Mrs. Dina Opoku (1974-2005) was in charge of the kitchen, whilst Mr. John Akologu (1974 – date) was employed as groundsman.


Friends of the College

The history of the College cannot be complete without the mention of the role that the friends of the College have played right from the inception of the College to date. Apart from students’ fees, the bulk of the finances of the College in the early stages was contributed by the friends of the College.

These men and women committed themselves to pray for and make regular donations to help meet the running costs of the College’s day to day expenses. Since the College is not sponsored by any Christian mission or agency or organisation within or outside the country, the contributions of the Friends’ of the College were vital for the financial survival of the College in the early stages. Though, their numbers have not been large, they have been faithful in their commitment to the Lord and to the College.

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