Pastoral Message On Coronavirus

pxThe Chaplain of Christian Service University College, Rev. Anthony Boateng Agyenim,
has encouraged religious faithfuls to hold on to their faith and lean on God in the storms
of the global coronavirus pandemic.

The minister of God noted, ‘we live in a critical time when the ominous cloud of the coronavirus
hangs over all peoples on earth.’ The numbers of the infected and dead keep rising every minute,
leading to over one million confirmed cases and over 50,000 deaths recorded globally in less than
three months. Locally in Ghana, within the period of three weeks, the number of confirmed infections is 204 with five deaths
and 31 recovered as at April 2, 2020. The world’s powerful economies are overwhelmed and their health facilities
overstretched. If the big economies are not able to cope, then the situation is even more critical for those of us in Ghana.

In the midst of such a gloomy situation, there is a tendency to panic. But as children of the Almighty God, Creator and
Sustainer of heaven and earth, we need not panic. Rather, let us turn to Him and find security in His manifold promises,
one of which is, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you
and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”
(Isaiah 41:10).

Our God specializes in doing wonders and He will sail us safely through this. Just as God opened the Red Sea for
Israel to pass on dry land; restrained the angel from destroying Jerusalem with the plague during the days of David; and
Jesus calmed the waves and storm when his disciples were about to sink to enable them reach the shore safely; I am
of the greatest hope that, when the pandemic is over, we shall be counted among the living in Jesus’ name.

Rev. Boateng Agyenim offered the following notable points for containing the virus:
1. DON’T FEAR: Trust God and turn to Him in prayer. Remember that “those who hope in the Lord will renew their
strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

2. OBEY PRESCRIBED PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES: Observe regular hand washing, social distancing, use of hand
sanitizers, covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing, wearing the appropriate face mask, avoid large
gathering, stay/work at home as much as possible, etc.

numbers provided by the Ministry of Health and Ghana Health Service – 112 or 0509497700. Call or cautiously report
to the immediate health facility, self-quarantine and self-isolate to avoid spreading the virus.

The key words are “do not fear, for God is with you”. Reactivate your faith and hope in Christ at this crucial
time and keep practicing all the necessary measures against COVID-19.

‘Now I commend your body, soul and spirit to Him who is able to keep you from falling and present you before His glorious
presence without fault and with great joy – to the only God our saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through
Jesus Christ our Lord before all ages, now and for evermore. And may the blessings of God Almighty be with you
and keep you and your family safe, Amen!’


Report by: Anastasia Cudjoe Erzuah, Institutional Advancement Office, CSUC

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