Pleasure Trip … Reward For Excellence

The president of the Christian Service University College, Prof. Samuel K. Afrane, has indicated that the first two topmost students (based on GPA) from each department of the University College would have the opportunity to embark on a day’s pleasure trip with him to Ashesi University in the course of the semester.

Prof. Afranie, asserted that the visit to Ashesi University College would enable our best students to have a chance to interact with faculty and students of that university as Ashesi is considered one of the foremost private universities in Africa, particularly, Ghana.

“It would be an all-expenses paid trip for these deserving students of ours. During the trip they would have the chance to experience the beauty of Ashesi University College’s architecture, the excellence of their students and the innovativeness of their faculty,” Prof Afrane said.

“Our students would sit in the lecture sessions with Ashesi students as they interact,” the CSUC President added. “These torchbearers of CSUC would also have the opportunity to visit Ashesi University’s library among other things.”

The President hopes that the trip would encourage all students to work harder on their studies and strive at excellence so that next time, he can share this experience with many more students.

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