Rev. Dr. Isaac Boaheng Earns Second PhD: A Milestone for CSU

“I aim to impact generations with the knowledge I have acquired” –

The Christian Service University community proudly celebrates Rev. Dr. Isaac Boaheng, a distinguished theologian, researcher, lecturer, and gospel minister, on completing his second PhD in Political Theology from the University of Pretoria, (2023). His thesis, (See: https:// show=full), focuses on contextualizing relevant political theology to address Ghana’s political challenges and misconceptions about human flourishing. This remarkable achievement coincides with CSU’s newly attained chartered University status and further reinforces its commitment to academic and spiritual excellence.

Academic, Work & Research Experience

Rev. Dr. Boaheng already holds a Doctorate in Religious Studies from the University of Free State, South Africa (2021), two Master’s Degrees, one in Divinity (MDi), Trinity Seminary, 2016, and another in Theology (MTh), South Africa Theological Seminary (SATS), 2019, and a first degree in Geomatic Engineering, KNUST, 2005. Since 2018, he has served as a Lecturer in the Theology Department at the Christian Service University, and currently holds the positions of Senior Lecturer, Chairman of Research & Publications, and, Director of Quality Assurance. Additionally, he has been a Senior Academic and Supervisor of PhD and MTh programmes in SATS since 2021, and a Translator with the Bible Association of Ghana since 2017, contributing to the Bono-Twi Bible translation project. Before these roles, he taught Physics at the second-cycle level for eight years.

His research specialties are Systematic Theology, Translation Studies, and Christian Ethics, with a strong African focus. As he marks a decade of continuous research and publication, since 2015, his scholarly contributions include 135 publications, comprising 15 books, 3 book chapters, and 117 refereed journal articles. He has attended and presented at 10 International Conferences.

His professional affiliations include the Institute of Biblical Scholars Association and the Ghana Association of Biblical Exegetes. He is also a former member of the Missiological Society of Ghana. He is a Reviewer of more than 10 International Refereed Journals and an External Assessor for five local and International Universities. Since 2020, he has been a Research Fellow at the University of Free State, South Africa, and an active ResearchGate member, with over 200,000 reads (See: His legacy includes the establishment of the ‘Biblical Research and Innovative Network (BRAIN) for Africa (See:

As a seasoned lecturer, Rev. Dr. Boaheng has mentored and supervised countless students and thesis works in theology, Ethics, and missiology. His dedication to gospel ministry began in 2016, and now in his fifth Station in the Methodist Church Ghana, where he actively serves in pastoral leadership, teaching, and counseling.

Future Aspirations and Impact

Looking ahead, Rev. Dr. Boaheng envisions expanding CSU’s research and publication capabilities while mentoring African Church leaders in leadership and scholarly writing. He attributes his success to God’s grace, determination, hard work, discipline, and passion for research in ministry. Encouraging young researchers, students, and faculty, he urges them to “put their thoughts into writing, and to practice what they profess.”

CSU Congratulates Rev. Dr. Dr. Isaac Boaheng on his remarkable success!

Story By:

Anastasia C. Afenu

Institutional Advancement Office, CSU

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