Centre for Research and Business Development

 Latest Consultancy Services

Global Affairs Canada

The Centre has been awarded a 1-year contract through a competitive bidding process by Global Affairs Canada
(Canadian High Commission) to provide Advisory Services in Results-Based Management for the Modernizing Agriculture
in Ghana programme [MAG]. Beneficiary institutions include the Ministry of Food and Agriculture [MOFA], Ministry of
Local Government and Rural Development [MLGRD], Ministry of Finance [MoF], and the Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research [CSIR].

Goldfields Ghana

The Centre has won the bid to undertake a study commissioned by Goldfields Ghana Limited (GFG) in beneficiary
communities of its Tarkwa and Darmang mines’ social responsibility projects. The purpose of the Social Return on
Investment (SROI) study is to ascertain the monetary values of outcomes and impacts of five corporate social
responsibility projects of GFG on beneficiary communities in order to guide future allocation of resources. It was
a highly competitive bid among shortlisted high-profile local and international consultancy firms.

CRBD Coordinates Short Courses

The Centre has begun working with other Departments to run short training programmes. So far, media practitioners
have benefitted from two short courses with certificates in:

  • Media Law and Ethics
  • News Analysis and Interpretation


NEWS(click to read more)

The Centre for Research and Business Development (CRBD) was established in September 2016 and operates under the Office of
the President of the Christian Service University College. The CRBD reports directly to the President, and leads in the
activities towards harnessing various expertise in the University for service to the country and institutions

CRBD’s Mandate is to create long term value for the University College, by harnessing available human and capital resources
to grow viable ventures and projects that would accrue to financial dividends for the CSUC to enable it effect its academic
mandate and impact society.

CRBD also nurtures long term mutually beneficial relationships with its stakeholders such as students, institutions /
organisations, businesses, and communities locally and internationally. Accordingly, the Centre collaborates to enhance
local and international social transformation processes.

The Centre for Research & Business Development has the Mission to be known for promoting knowledge and strengthening
capacity for the attainment of development goals of individuals, organisations and communities.

The Core Values of the Centre emanate from those of the Christian Service University College, which are:

  • The Lordship of Jesus Christ.
  • Integrity
  • Hard Work
  • Good Stewardship of Resources
  • Mutual Support and Care


  • Conduct research for local and international institutions
  • Provide consultancy services in the areas of M&E and other specialized areas
  • Organize training workshops in various fields for institutions
  • Other activities
  • Coordinate internship placements for CSUC students
  • Collaborate with all academic departments to mount short courses
  • Spearhead entrepreneurship development for CSUC students
  • Disseminate business information of the University College to the business community

The CSUC Consultancy Services Limited is a registered company in Ghana. It is the flagship unit of the Centre for Research
and Business Development of the University, and engages in consultancy services using its multidisciplinary team of full-time
and part-time consultants. Consultancy services include, but are not limited to: evaluation surveys and impact assessments,
development planning, capacity development in monitoring and evaluation, and setting up / strengthening monitoring and
evaluation systems.

The range of consultancy services include:

  • Results-Based management
  • Impact Evaluation Studies [including Social Returns on Investment (SROI)]
  • Monitoring & Evaluation systems set up and implementation
  • Baseline and Endline studies
  • Needs Assessment
  • Value chain development
  • Micro enterprises development
  • Individual and organisational capacity development
  • District Assembly solutions for internally generated funds
  • Investment Prospectus development
  • Tax Administration training
  • Performance management & Compensation management

We coordinate the formulation and running of a series of short-course certificate training programmes for individuals,
teams and organisations, designed to enhance on-the-job skills, and to facilitate achievement of greater results.  These
include special packages for Boards of financial institutions, religious leaders, nurses, midwives, teachers, entrepreneurs,
IT managers, CEOs & top-level managers, research institutions media institutions etc

Duration: These training programmes range from 2 days to 2 weeks to complete. The training programmes include:

Media/Journalism Oriented Training

  • Media Law & Ethics
  • News Analysis and Interpretation
  • Computer Science/ICT
  • Android Application development
  • Social Media for background checks
  • Certificate in Digital Safety
  • Getting ahead of fake news

Planning and Development

  • 2 – 14 days training programmes in Corporate Planning
  • 2 – 14 days training programmes in Monitoring & Evaluation

Other training programmes include

  • Proposal writing & Fundraising for NGOs and CSOs

Given the fast-changing conditions globally and the need for continuous adaptability for effective solutions, the Centre
encourages the drawing of synergies across institutions with like-minded organisations to take on societal challenges that
require multiple expertise. Apart from direct contracts and expressions of interests, the Centre partners with, among others,

  • Multinational bodies
  • Regional bodies
  • International development agencies
  • Ministries
  • National Agencies
  • Other governmental organisations
  • National and multinational companies
  • Private organisations
  • NGOs
  • CSOs

The Centre initiates networking programmes with research organisations in the Global North in partnership with others
in the Global South to promote the flow and exchange of research-based ideas, expertise and resources to address complicated
societal challenges. The current phase of the initiative involves linkages with EU/North America based research institutions in
partnership with those in sub-Saharan Africa.

A multi-disciplinary team of full-time and part-time consultants with decades of experience is available for our services.
Professional experience includes expertise in Education, Health, Agriculture, Microfinance and Governance, with local and
international project experience across such areas as strategic planning, project management, impact assessment studies, microfinance
& enterprise development, collaborative forestry entrepreneurship development, monitoring & evaluation, social policy,
value chain development, needs assessment and impact evaluation, food safety & standards, e-learning & e-extension,
gender & development, among others.


International organisations

  • Tropenbos International, (Ghana)
  • International Organisation Migration (EU funded)
  • Goldfields (Ghana Ltd)
  • Wageningen University (Holland)
  • Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA, Ghana)
  • International Labour Organisation (ILO)
  • International Network of Alternative Finance Institutions (INAFI)
  • World Bank (Ghana, Liberia)
  • Overseas Development Administration (DIFD) and Oxford Forestry Institute on Non-Timber Forest Products in Ghana.
  • International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD,Nigeria)
  • Urban and Regional Planning Institute of the Minnesota State University (USA)
  • West Africa Rural Foundation on Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation for IFAD (Gambia)
  • Opportunity International for Micro-finance project of UGAFODE (Uganda)
  • ECLOF (Geneva)
  • Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF)
  • German Technical Cooperation (GTZ, Ghana)
  • West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA, Cote D’ Ivoire)
  • International Rescue Committee (Kenya)
  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IITA, Sub-Saharan Africa)
  • Global Affairs Canada (GAC/Ghana)
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID/Ghana, Liberia)
  • Catholic Relief Services (CRS/Ghana)

Government Ministries Departments and Agencies

  • National Accreditation Board (Ghana)
  • Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR, Ghana)
  • Ministry of Finance (Ghana)
  • Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Ghana, Liberia)
  • Ministry of Education (Ghana, Liberia)
  • Ministry of Agriculture (Ghana, Liberia)
  • Ministry of Health (Ghana, Liberia)
  • Ministry of Local Government (Ghana)
  • Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Ghana)
  • Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs (Liberia)
  • Ministry of Gender and Development (Liberia)
  • Governance Commission (Liberia)

Prof. Samuel K. Afrane – Ph.D. Development Planning
Prof. Samuel Lartey –  Holds PhD in Financial Management, is a Chartered Financial Manager and a Chartered Project Engineer.
Prof. Yaw Boadu Ayeboafo – Lectures in Communication Studies at CSUC. An astute media practitioner for over
thirty (30) years with expertise in Development Communication. 
Dr. Stephen Banahene – Dean, School of Business, CSUC. He has a PhD in Business Management, and is a Chartered Marketer (CIM, UK).

You may contact the Centre for Research and Business Development for consultancy services, collaborative ventures, short training
programmes, general enquiries or other forms of assistance to institutions/organisations or individuals through

Mr Thomas Wobill Director, CRBD and a Senior Lecturer at CSUC. He is a PhD candidate in Management and has
wide international experience in in sub-Saharan Africa.
Telephone: +233-547-141-574
Email: twobill@csuc.edu.gh

Mr David Kwao-Sarbah Assistant Director, CRBD. He is a PhD candidate in Public Policy and Administration
at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa and Fellow of the Tokyo Foundation, Japan.
Telephone: +233-504-228-334
Email: dksarbah@csuc.edu.gh

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