
University LibraryThis library webpage is the platform to have access to library services and materials.  You find your academic related materials together with general reading materials presented in both print and electronic sources of information.The services are categorised into print and electronic services. The library uses the Library of Congress Classification System, by which all knowledge is organised into groups labelled by alpha-numeric codes known as call numbers.  Kindly read more on this classification system.Books and journals make up the bulk of the library information resources. These are delivered to our patrons (or users of the library) via print and electronic mediums.  The locations of our print resources are accessed by the Online Open Access Catalogue (OPAC), where you can place a material on hold for later collection.  Books and Journals presented via electronic media are accessed via two main categories of electronic platforms.  These are:

  • Subscription to Electronic Books and Databases (a collection of related Journals)
  • CSUC Virtual Library System of Electronic Books (books collected by the library)

Due to the fact that we subscribe to a number of databases (through the Consortium of Academic Research Libraries in Ghana – CARLIGH), we have adopted a few Journal finders to search across these databases.  Please refer to the Online Database sections of this site for more information.


Message from the Librarian

Today’s library services give a blend of information resources and literature assistance achieved through the exploration of emerging technologies to satisfy our clientele known as our patrons.

We at the Chapman Library, in no different way, strive to give you the very best of library services from information provision to diverse services of Information Literacy training seminars, research and data software training.

It is an honour to be at your service and our team of professionals are ever ready and willing to make sure your information needs are timely met.

Have a fruitful time with your academic pursuit at the Christian Service University College, where quality of information service provision is our hallmark at the Chapman Library.  At the end of the day, when all is said and done, it is our earnest prayer that you find Christ, who to know is Life Eternal.

Stay Blessed,
Ms. Vivian Amponsah
CSUC Librarian

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