Walking To Mobilize Support For CSUC @ 50 Anniversary Celebrations

As part of the 50th anniversary celebrations, the CSUC has organized a Health Walk on Saturday February17, 2024 dubbed: “Walking to Mobilize support for CSUC @ 50”. The three-hour walk started from CSUC campus through Patasi high street, Sofoline interchange, Bantama high street, Komfo Anokye roundabout, Bekwai roundabout, Danyame, Santasi roundabout and ended at CSUC campus.


The health walk was organized for two main reasons. First, to mobilize staff, students and alumni for the CSUC @50 year-long celebrations which entered full swing in 2024; second, to promote the visibility of CSUC which is one of the key objectives of the anniversary celebrations.

Attendance & Addresses

The procession was attended by 250 individuals made up of staff and students who endured the sunny weather conditions for well over 3 hours amid singing and dancing to the fine tunes of brass band. The enthusiasm and morale were stupendous. Both teaching and non-teaching staff joined the students to praise God for how far He has brought the institution.

The Director for Institutional Advancement, Rev. Justice Boffah Pokumensah used the occasion to commend the staff and students for their unflinching support for the CSUC @ 50 celebrations since it was launched in October 2023 and other related activities. He also reiterated the objectives of the anniversary to emphasize the four key anniversary projects namely: 1) the Youth Development Scholarship Scheme, 2) Solar Energy Project, 3) Upgrading of IT infrastructure and 4) Acquisition of bus for the Nursing and Midwifery Department. He appealed to the gathering to support whichever way possible to realize these projects to propel CSUC into the next 50 years.

On the Sidelines

All work and no play, they say, makes jack a dull boy. Of course, the event couldn’t have been complete without a befitting kenkey party. Besides the kenkey party, CSUC partnered SAQS healthcare Services, a leading healthcare provider in Ghana to provide free health screening services to participants to reaffirm the institution’s commitment to train healthy staff and students to transform society.

On behalf of the Management and the Central Planning Committee, we wish to express our profound gratitude to all those who participated in the Health Walk.

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