‘Whosever Will, May Have … A Laptop’

Education at the Christian Service University College (CSUC) has never been more convenient and easy than now. CSUC students who wish to have a durable but affordable laptop for their academic work can now have the opportunity to buy one at a highly subsidised price. They can pay back later in an instalment plan that covers the duration of their studies at the University College.

The President of the Christian Service University College, Prof. Samuel Afrane, disclosed that it is his desire that every student owns a laptop to be able to carry out his or her academic work more effectively.

“Armed with a laptop, a generous share of WI-FI that the University College offers and useful online databases for research and study, CSUC students would be equipped for academic excellence,” Prof. Afrane said.

“While the laptops will not be free, they will be highly subsidised by the University College, in that the CSUC would use its share of any benefits in the transaction to offset the cost and cushion students in these challenging times” he said.

An agreement is being worked out with a quality IT provider to provide laptops to students.Meanwhile, students who may need one are encouraged to indicate it in writing through their class reps to the heads of the various departments.

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